Thursday, January 22, 2009

Launch of New Websites

I have been very busy at work lately as we have been closing out the year and rolling out our strategy for 2009. Between the various businesses that I am affiliated with, it seems that there is never a shortage of work to be done.

My partner and I have been working very hard to roll out some new, information rich websites that consumers and business owners alike will hopefully find useful and beneficial. A summary of our latest projects is as follows:

1. is one of our latest offerings on the web hosting front. The site offers insights and reviews on paid web hosting providers as well as free hosts. If you are looking to host a website or blog, this site can help steer you in the right direction.

2. is a site that helps business owners select the right shopping cart software for their ecommerce website. Online business has been a bright spot for many businesses during the current recession. This site can help a business owner find the right tools and solutions, including shopping carts, merchant services, payment gateways, and ecommerce web hosts that will help a business website succeed.

3. is a site that we have recently updated and relaunched. This website is jam packed with useful information and articles about credit cards and how to apply for one, managing credit card debt and developing good financial habits. We hope many people will find this site to be a valuable resource and help them improve their financial position.

4. is another site we have recently updated and relaunched with great information for business owners looking to accept credit cards in their business. Merchant accounts are the vehicle for accepting and processing credit cards for all types of businesses and this site will guide a business owner to the best merchant account provider for their unique situation.

We are excited about these sites and hope they will be of value to many people. To all of you bloggers that may see this post, we would appreciate any feed back or reviews on these sites. A link to these sites from a blog post or your blog roll would be much appreciated.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Painters Half Marathon

It has been a while since I have posted here. The last couple of months have been crazy with work, church, family and time spent trying to get into shape. We had a great holiday season and the kids were spoiled as usual on Christmas morning.

As the title of this post indicates, I ran in the St. George Half Marathon sponsored by Painter's. Liesel and I both ran in the race as we each have other races coming up that we need to prepare for. This is the first time I have run in this half marathon and it ended up being a fun race. There were around 1,500 runners participating in the race (about 1,000 for the half marathon and 500 for the 5K).

Liesel and I both ended up with decent times considering the condition we are both in right now. Liesel has only ran a handful of times since the St. George marathon in October and I have been struggling with knee and IT band problems the last couple of months. I finished the race in 1 hour 37 minutes and Liesel finished it in 1 hour 47 minutes. I was on pace to beat my goal of 1 hour 30 minutes through the first 4 miles, then my knee started acting up and I had to back down a little bit. (Click on the link to view the official Painters Half Marathon results)

I am now going to rest my knee for a few weeks and see if I can get it feeling good for the Ragnar Relay in Los Angeles scheduled for late April. Liesel is getting ready for the Ragnar Relay Del Sol next month in Arizona. After the Ragner in April, it will be on to the St. George Triathlon in May for me.

I am learning that at 34 years old I physically can't do a lot of what I used to. I have learned that rehabbing a knee from a sports injury and trying to rebuild strength in an arm that suffered a break from a snowboarding injury take time to heal. I am just pushing forward hoping to exceed more of my personal goals.