Friday, August 8, 2008

Business, Finance and Politics

For all of you who may have stumbled onto my blog, you can tell that I am new to this blogging thing. I figured that I would start a blog to give myself a forum to discuss business and political issues important to me.

The issues I will focus most on will be small business finance, business development, politics and occasionally I will mix in a few personal or funny items to entertain. Although I will discuss national and international business developments, my blog will slant toward local and state issues affecting the businesses in the great state of Utah.

I am a certified public accountant specializing in taxation as well as a small business owner. As a result, I have a great interest in and a desire to share my thoughts about the areas of finance and the politics affecting the business community.

So if you are interested in the opinions of one small business owner when it comes to issues relating to the business environment in Utah and around the U.S., please stop by often and see what I have to say.

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