Wednesday, November 4, 2009

St. George City Municipal Elections

It has been quite a while since I have posted on my blog - a little over 8 months in fact. I decided today that although I am extremely busy with some big projects at work, I need to make the time to share my thoughts about the current events and issues affecting my community.

Yesterday, the City of St. George held its election for mayor and two city council seats. While I am generally pleased with the outcome, I do wish that Suzanne Allen could have had a better showing. Suzanne has worked extremely hard for the citizens of St. George over the last 16 years, and I believe that she has always had the interests of the greater good at heart during her time on the city council. Voters reelected Gail Bunker to the council where she will continue to serve the citizens of St. George for four more years.

After his third run at the St. George City Council, Ben Nickle won a seat on the council. I don't personally know Mr. Nickle, but I have some concerns about his ability to govern as a member of the city council and work effectively with the other council members. While some have criticized Mr. Nickle over his extreme positions on certain issues, my concerns are more with his demeanor and delivery of his message. However, I will wait and pass judgment on Mr. Nickle after he has had an opportunity to demonstrate his abilities and intentions on the council.

Finally, while I do not always agree with Mayor McArthur on some of the positions he takes, I do believe that he is currently the right guy to be our mayor. He has worked hard and given his heart and soul to the city. He deserves our thanks for his commitment and dedication to service.

Again, congratulations to all of those who stuck their neck on the line and emerged victorious last night.

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